Water Saving Landscaping Tips

Water- it’s beautiful, it’s practical and yet this most precious resource of all time is wasted everyday. 30% to as much as 60% of our water use is dedicated to the outdoors according to the EPA. Things such as overwatering and run-off contributes to an increase of energy use as demand soars during the peak summer months which adds up to higher costs for consumers. Saving water is important for everyone, not just those living in hot, dry climates.  Highlands Landscape believes a water efficient landscape is a beautiful landscape that will also save you time and money. We’re sharing with you our top water saving landscaping tips.

Planting, Gardening and Flower Beds

Water Saving Landscaping Tip #1

Establish and maintain a healthy soil. Your soil is the foundation of a healthy and water efficient landscape. Soil collects, stores, and distributes water and nutrients to the foliage above. A soil kit can be used to test the PH levels of your soil and evaluate its unique properties to improve your soil’s ability to retain water and keep your plants and lawn healthy.

Water Saving Landscaping Tip #2

Use it or lose it, your lawn that is. Lawns require the most watering out of all your landscaping elements. Limiting the turf areas of your yard to areas of play and recreation, read tossing the football with the kids, will drastically improve run-off and evaporative water loss, read saves you cash.

Water Saving Landscaping Tip #3

Mulch it up. Mulch isn’t something to make your plants look prettier, it’s a garden workhorse. Mulches keep plant roots cool, reduce evaporation, keep weeds at bay, and prevent erosion. Plus, organic mulches feed the soil as they break down. Remember to add mulch to your garden areas once per year.

Water Saving Landscaping Tip #4

Consider a plant’s water needs and group them accordingly. Like a good high school click, keep garden areas grouped by considering sunlight, nutritive, and watering needs. A well thought out and planned landscape is an essential step in creating and maintaining a beautiful and water efficient yard.

Water Saving Landscaping Tip #5

Install a rain sensor on your yard’s irrigation controller. Watering by hand is the most efficient way to water your lawn or garden, but who is really setting their alarms for a 5 am watering session? The next best thing for your water saving landscape is a rain or soil moisture sensor. Say goodbye to the days of your sprinklers turning on during or just after a rainy day. These type of sensors basically pay for themselves by saving you cash on unnecessary watering. Be sure to switch the preprogrammed irrigation levels to the appropriate summer and fall settings.

Following these simple and smart tips is not only good for the environment but good for your wallet as well. Who knew saving the planet could be so cost effective?

Contact us to help create your water saving landscape

If you’re interested in adjusting your landscape to become more water efficient while still being beautiful, Highlands landscape is here to help!  Here in New England we have access to some amazing native plants and shrubs that really make the prospect of a gardening project even more exciting and you’ll see the passion of our team really shine during our gardening engagements. As always we can provide you with a free estimate.

Feel free to give us a call at (781) 431-2338, or reach out to us directly through our website and we will find a time to see you.


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(781) 431-2338

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136 Fisher St.
Holliston, MA 01746

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(781) 431-2338